The Config contains all the general Settings about the plugin. Everything is changeable. But always use a restart after saving the file to apply the settings to the server.
There are also always comments at the specific settings to explain the option a little bit. The more detailed Information's are found here.
This contains all the saved Player Data and should never be deleted, if you want to keep the plugin running.
Depending on what you choose (MySQL/SQLite), you need to add your own MySQL Credentials. Otherwise, the default settings will create a SQLite Database (database.sql) in the plugins directory.
For MySQL the best practice is to create an own MySQL user, which only got access to one and new database. This database should later only contain RentIt-Worlds data and nothing else. Using only one database with one MySQL User for all of your plugins would also work, but isn't secure.
If you have decided to run a MySQL database, then also set your Database Server IP. Not necessarily the Minecraft Server IP. You will get the information's from your Server provider. If the connection doesn't work, but your IP is correct, then try disabling useSSL. Also make sure your password and user are correct and that the user has enough Permissions for the database!
Important: Don't change the database later on, if you don't know what you are doing. After the first interaction was made with the plugin, everything gets stored in the set database. Moving from SQLite -> MySQL will be difficult. MySQL Server 1 -> MySQL Server 2 is no problem, as long you restore the backup of the tables and stopped the Minecraft Server.
Those are general misc Settings about the plugin.
Option | Description |
UseMetrics | Sends anonymously data do to show a statistic about the current use of the plugin. |
MoreLogs | Shows more logs about different events for the plugin. |
UsePlayerpoints | You might want to force the use of Playerpoints for RentIt-Worlds, even if you got another Economy System on the server. |
Language | This sets the Language for the plugin and uses the correct Messages_%Lang%.yml File. You can also copy the english version and create your own Language File. (f.e. Netherlands -> File: Messages_NL.yml and in the Option: NL) |
Format | Contains the formation settings for different placeholders. |
Command-Aliases | All listed commands also open the /riw main menu. |
Disable-Commands | Disables the command that you set to true. |
Max-Possible | Set your groups and specify their max amount of worlds. -1 is for unlimited. Groups that are in your permission system inherited by another group, doesn't add the config values together. Extra Worlds added by the permission does get added to the config value. |
Delay-New-World | How long a player have to wait between the world creations. |
Delay-Member-Invites | How long it takes to send a new invite, to an invited player. |
removeNoPermissionItems | If this option is enabled, all Items getting removed from the GUI for the player, that doesn't have permission to click on it. |
Select the Plugin Mode in which the plugin should be running. Currently, there are two different types. The plugin stays the same, while the system with the world removal changes.
Unlimited: Every world will stay for unlimited time. It won't be removed.
Renting (default): Rent a world for a specific time and as long you got enough money and the rent is running, your world is save.
Inactivity: Should a player be inactive (didn't join the server) for the set time, then the world gets removed.
Renting Option | Description |
Rent-Contract-Time | How long one contract is running. (Supported time format: Y(ears), M(onths), D(ays), H(ours), m(inutes)) |
Renting-Price | How much one contract should cost. |
Inactivity Option | Description |
Expiration-Time | How long the player didn't join the server before deleting the world. (Supported time format: Y(ears), M(onths), D(ays), H(ours), m(inutes)) |
Lowest-Group-Check | Owner: The creator of the world; Member: Invited players as member to the world; Guest: Anyone |
Online-In-World | Player needs to join the world, to renew the time. Only visiting the server isn't enough. |
These are the Gadget settings. Gadget can be bought with In-game money and give the world extra options to the world settings. They do work without an Economy System as well.
Gadget Option | Description |
Use-Economy | Should an Economy System be used for the Gadgets? |
World-Only | The Gadget is only for the current world. Every change only effects this world. If Only-Buy-Once is disabled, then the gadget needs to be bought for every world. |
Only-Buy-Once | After setting this option to true, the players only need to buy the gadget once, even tho the gadget settings are world specific. |
You might to improve the world generation for your server different to others. There are many options you can choose for your own fitting. The default work perfectly fine as well, if you are not sure, what you need to do here.
World Option | Description |
Teleport-On-Create | After generating a new world, the player will be teleported to the new spawn. |
Respawn | Should the Player be teleported to the Spawn of the Player world, after dying? |
World-Only-Chat | Player world chat is only for the players in the same Player world. Disabling this option will allow every player to talk to other world players. |
Void-Spawn-Block | The Spawn Block of the Void World. AIR is not recommended, since the player would only fall in the void. |
World-Border/Default-Size | Everything above 0 enables a world border in the player worlds. |
World-Border/Change-Time | Extensions can be bought in the Gadget Shop. This causes the border to move. How fast should the border move to the new size? In seconds. |
Load-On-Startup | Load the worlds on Server Start. (Highly recommended) |
Backup/Enabled | Should the plugin create a world backup, before deleting it? |
Backup/Clear-Timer | How many days until the plugin clears the world backup? |
Optimization/Limit | How many worlds should be created at the same time? |
Optimization/Keep-Spawn-In-Memory | The players are joining faster into the worlds and the chunks are already loaded. Costs the server more RAM |
Optimization/Async-Teleport | A PaperMC feature. Loads first the world chunks and teleports then the player. |
Optimization/Unload-Empty-Worlds | If no player is in the world and the delay minutes are reached, then the world gets unloaded from the server and clears the chunks from the RAM (Not Recommended - Worlds should be loaded on Start and unloaded on shutdown) |
The plugin also got many Placeholders integrated, that you can use in the messages.yml. There are some default Values or Statuses that you can explizit set here.
Its possibile to change the name of the permissions, but there is mostlikely no need for it. No other plugin should use the rentitworlds prefix. More Information about the Permissions and what they do, can be found here.
#Your MySQL Connection Settings; SQLite only needs the type. The other settings are ignored.
#Type can be MARIADB, MYSQL and SQLITE
Type: 'SQLITE'
Host: 'ipaddress'
Port: 3306
UseSSL: false
User: 'admin'
Password: 'S€CR3T'
Database: 'Database'
#Sends anonymous data to bstats. (OnlinePlayers, Server Version, etc) But no personal Informations!
UseMetrics: true
#Set this to false, if you dont want World Unload Logs or Automatic Delete Logs.
MoreLogs: true
#Set this to true, if your Server is running in Offline Mode. RIW is not and won't be tested. But I do fix smaller Issues.
OfflineMode: false
#Use PlayerPoints as the economy System. If false, then Vault is used.
usePlayerPoints: false
#Select the Language for the Plugin. Restart the Server once and in the Messages directory will be a Messages_&Lang&.yml File
#GUI needs to be done manually
#Help to support multiple Languages through:
#Supported Languages:
# JacksonUndercover(me, always fully translated): EN, DE
# 八瑞block: TW
Language: EN
#Format for some values
Money: '#0.00'
Timestamp: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'
#Alternative command names for RentItWorlds
- 'worlds'
- 'playerworlds'
#Please use a Server Restart after changing the Settings.
#Use disableAll = true to disable the whole command or search/add the Sub Command and set it on true.
DisableAll: false
Reload: false
Pause: false
Unpause: false
Import: false
Delete: false
Info: false
Teleport: false
Accept: false
Deny: false
SetLobby: false
#How many Worlds can a group have?
owner: -1
default: 1
#How many Members can a owner add to the world?
owner: -1
default: -1
#The Delay between the generation of new worlds in seconds.
Delay-New-World: 600
#The Delay for Members to invite a player to the world.
Delay-Member-Invites: 600
#Players need to define the alias on creation.
World-Alias-Needed: false
#Remove GUI Item, if Player doesn't have the Permission for it.
#Works for Setting/Gadget/World Type Items
removeNoPermissionItems: false
#Supported Plugins are automaticlly removing the homes of a Playerworld, which gets deleted.
#If the plugin is not supported, then the home command wont work in playerworlds.
#This prevents the recreation of a world, even tho it got already deleted.
disableUnsupportedHomesForWorld: true
#Starting on which Group Settings should be shown? (GUEST -> MEMBER -> OWNER)
#This has nothing to do with the permission to set the setting.
Needed-Group-For-Worldsettings: 'GUEST'
#INACTIVITY, RENTING or UNLIMITED; Should the World be removed after Inactivity or after the rent run out?
#The Time, for renting how long a Rent Contract goes
Rent-Contract-Time: '7D'
#Renting Price to rent a world. Not needed for Inactivity
Renting-Price: 50000
#The Time, for Inactivity how long a player must be offline.
Expiration-Time: '30D'
#Can be set to OWNER, MEMBER, GUEST; Starting from this Group will be used for the inactivity check;
#GUEST -> MEMBER -> OWNER; Depending what you set, the higher groups will also be checked.
Lowest-Group-Check: OWNER
#Should the named group also need to join the world, to prevent the inactivity
Online-In-World: false
#World must be bought. -1 if Worlds are free
Price: 50000
#Should the Player buy the Gadgets, before being able to use them?
Use-Economy: true
#Use-Economy needs to be true
#Should the Player buy the Gadget for every world? After World delete, this Gadgets also get lost.
#If false, then the player only needs to buy it once and can use it for every world.
World-Only: false
#World-Only needs to be true
#Player doesnt need to buy Gadget for every world.
#Only once, then the Player can change for every world the Gadget Setting.
Only-Buy-Once: true
#Leave blank, if you want the worlds in the main directory
Save-Location: 'plugins/RentIt-Worlds/PlayerWorlds'
#Teleport on Creation of the Player World?
Teleport-On-Create: true
#Respawn in the Player World?
Respawn: true
#Chat for only Players in the World? false = global
World-Only-Chat: false
#Void Spawn Platform Block Type
Void-Spawn-Block: 'BEDROCK'
#Should a Border be set for the world? -1 for no boarder; Otherwise its the block count
Default-Size: -1
#In Seconds, how the new size will take to change
Change-Time: 5
#Limit the world border
Block-Max: 30000
# Load all Player Worlds
Load-On-Startup: true
#Should the plugin create a backup of the world, before it gets deleted
Enabled: true
#After this many Days the world will also be deleted from the backup Directory; -1 to disable
Clear-Timer: 30
# How many player worlds can be created at the same time?
Limit: 1
# If false, chunks of the world will not be kept in memory. They are resulting in less memory used by your server when players aren't logged in.
Keep-Spawn-In-Memory: false
# If true, the chunks will be loaded/generated asynchronously before teleporting.
# Note: You need to use PaperMC (PaperSpigot).
Async-Teleport: true
# Player world will be unloaded if there is no player in it.
# Only saves RAM, you got more performance and a more stable version, if you leave it disabled.
Enabled: false
# Time in Minutes after which the empty world will be unloaded.
Delay: 1
# Placeholder Results
true: 'true'
false: 'false'
statusOn: 'On'
statusOff: 'Off'
paused: 'Paused'
not-used: 'not used'
# Placeholder default Values, if nothing was found
currentId: '-1'
none: 'None'
gadgetNoCustomInfo: 'None'
#Permissions for a real Permissions System/OP
#Permission to use the "/riw" gui command
gui: 'riw.gui'
#For important commands
admin: 'riw.admin'
#Settings Permission, there will be the setting additional added! (f.e. 'riw.settings.CHANGE_DIFFICULTY')
settings: 'riw.settings'
#Gadgets Permission, there will be the gadget additional added! (f.e. 'riw.gadgets.CREEPER_EXPLOSION')
gadgets: 'riw.gadgets'
#World Create Permission, there will be the World Type additional added! (f.e. 'riw.create.VOID')
create: 'riw.create'
#Adds extra Worlds to the Group Limit. F.e. riw.extra.4 for four more Worlds
extra: 'riw.extra'
#Adds extra Worldborder Blocks to the Limit. F.e. riw.worldborder.300 for 300 more Blocks to the limit in the config
worldborder: 'riw.worldborder'
#User Command Permissions (This permissions are ONLY for the command. Not for the GUI)
#/riw create <Player> <WorldType> creates a world for the player.
create: 'riw.cmd.create'
#/riw settings GUI (Command to instantly go into the settings menu of the current world)
settings: 'riw.cmd.settings'
#/riw kick <Player> out from your world, that you are currently in and are owner of.
kick: 'riw.cmd.kick'
#/riw invite <Player> as a member into the world, that you are currently in and are owner of.
invite: 'riw.cmd.invite'
#/riw leave - Leave as a member from a world
leave: 'riw.cmd.leave'
#Bypass Permissions
#Bypass the limit of World Creations at the same time.
creation: 'riw.bypass.limit'
#Bypass the Permission System of the Playerworlds
permissions: 'riw.bypass.permissions'
#Bypass Teleport to Playerworld
teleport: 'riw.bypass.teleport'
#Bypass the player limit of the world setting
player-limit: 'riw.bypass.player-limit'
#Bypass the max member limit (World Owner needs the permission)
member-limit: 'riw.bypass.member-limit'
#Do NOT touch
Version: 9```