This is the Message File (Version 1) of the plugin. It contains every Message, that is shown to the player ingame.
prefix: '&7[&6&lRent&fIt&8-&a&lWorlds&7]'
perm: '&cYou dont have enough Permissions!'
console: 'Sorry, only works Ingame.'
reloadedError: '&4ERROR. &6&lRent&fIt&8-&a&lWorlds &cwas reloaded. But there was an error. Please look into the console.'
reloaded: '&6&lRent&fIt&8-&a&lWorlds &a&lwas reloaded. But better use a Server Restart next time.'
commandDisabled: '&cThis command was disabled in the config!'
onlyWorksInRentMode: '&cYou can''t use the Item, if the Plugin Mode is not &fRenting&c.'
worldAlreadyPaused: '&cThe world is already paused.'
worldPaused: '&aThe world was paused.'
worldAlreadyUnpaused: '&cThe world is already unpaused.'
worldUnpaused: '&cThe world was unpaused.'
importWorldnameNotFound: '&cCouldn''t find the worldname in your server directory.'
importDone: '&aThe world was successfully imported.'
deleteDone: '&aThe world was successfully deleted (and backuped).'
rentitworldHelp: '&cPlease use &f/&6R&fent&6I&ft&6W&forlds help &cfor help.'
playerDoesntExists: '&4ERROR. &cThis Player doesn''t exists.'
playerNotOnline: '&4ERROR. &cThe player couldn''t be found in the Online list.'
notANumber: '&4ERROR. &cThe Input is not a number.'
notAWorldType: '&4ERROR. &cThe Input is not a World Type.'
notABoolean: '&4ERROR. &cPlease use as a value &fTrue/False&c.'
notEnoughMoney: '&4ERROR. &cYou need &f%money%$&c.'
notAPlayerWorld: '&4ERROR. &cThis is not a Playerworld.'
toManyWorlds: '&cYou can''t have more worlds. The Limit was reached.'
toManyMembers: '&cYou can''t add more Members to the world. The Limit was reached.'
worldCreateStart: '&6The world is generating...'
worldCreateEnd: '&6The world was generated.'
worldCreateError: '&6The world couldn''t be generated.'
cantSetSpawnHere: '&cYou can''t set the Spawn here!'
rentExtended: '&6Your rent was extended &f%time% &6for &f%money%$&6!'
confirmDoubleClick: '&cTo confirm, please Double Click!'
guiDeleteWorld: '&cThe World was deleted!'
createWorldDelay: '&cYou can''t create a World at the moment! Please wait &f%time%&c.'
notOwner: '&cYou are not the owner of the current world.'
autoPaymentChanged: '&6You changed the Autopayment to &f%value%&6.'
aliasToLong: '&cThe Alias can only have a length of 32.'
playerLimitReached: '&cIn the World %alias% are only %limit% Players at the same time allowed.'
setLobbySpawn: '&aThe Playerworlds Lobby Spawn was set.'
commandNotSupported: '&cThe command was blocked, since it is not Supported in Player Worlds!'
kickedBecauseOfPermission: '&cYou got kicked because of changed Permissions!'
kickPlayer: '&6The Player &f%playername% &6was kicked from the world.'
gotKicked: '&6You were kicked out from the world.'
revokingInvite: '&6The Player &f%playername% &6is no longer invited as a member.'
targetRevokingInvite: '&cYou are no longer invited to the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
invitePlayer: '&6The Player &f%target% &6was invited to the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
targetInvitePlayer: '&6You were invited from &f%playername% &6to the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
playerAccept: '&6You accepted the invite from &f%member% &6for the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
infoAccept: '&6The Player &f%playername% &6accepted the invite as a member for the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
playerDeny: '&6You denied the invite from &f%owner% &6for the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
infoDeny: '&6The Player &f%playername% &6denied the invite as a member for the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
playerRemoveMember: '&6You removed the Member &f%target% &6from the World Id: &f%worldId%.'
targetRemoveMember: '&6You were removed from the Player &f%playername% &6as a Member of the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
infoRemoveMember: '&6The Player &f%target% &6was removed as a member from the World Id: &f%worldId%&6.'
noInvitePending: '&cThere is no invite pending for this world.'
alreadyMember: '&cThe Player &f%playername% &cis already a Member or Invited.'
delay: '&cYou can''t invite &f%playername% &ccurrently to this world. Please wait &f%sec%&c.'
buttonYes: '&7[&a&lAccept&7]'
yesHover: '&6You will be a member of the World %alias%.'
or: ' &f- '
buttonNo: '&7[&c&lDeny&7]'
noHover: '&6You deny the Invite as a member to the World %alias%.'
owner: '&cYou don''t have Permissions for this Setting.'
other: '&cThe Owner doesn''t have Permissions for this Setting.'
CREEPER_EXPLOSION: '&f&lCreeper Explosion &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
CREEPER_BLOCK_EXPLOSION: '&f&lCreeper Block Explosion &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
FIRE_SPREAD: '&f&lFire Spread &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
ENDERMAN_GRIEF: '&f&lEnderman Griefing &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
RAVAGER_GRIEF: '&f&lRavager Griefing &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
GHAST_FIREBALL: '&f&lGhast Fireball Damage &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
SNOWMAN_TRAILS: '&f&lSnowman Trails &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
OTHER_EXPLOSION: '&f&lOther Explosions &6were set to &f%value%&6.'
REALTIME: '&f&lRealtime &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
PLAYER_FLY: '&f&lPlayer Fly &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
JOIN_MESSAGE: '&6The new Join Message is now&7: &f%value%&6.'
LEAVE_MESSAGE: '&6The new Leave Message is now&7: &f%value%&6.'
MOTD: '&6The MOTD is now&7: &f%value%&6.'
CUSTOM_INFO: '&6The Custom Text is now&7: &f%value%&6.'
EXTEND_BORDER: '&f&lThe Border Size &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
PVP: '&f&lPvP &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
PLAYER_HUNGER: '&f&lPlayer hunger &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
JOIN_AT_SPAWN: '&f&lJoin at the world spawn &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
WEATHER_CYCLE: '&6The &f&lWeather Cycle &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
CHANGE_SPAWN_LOCATION: '&6The &f&lSpawn &6was set to the current location.'
CHANGE_WEATHER: '&6The &f&lWeather &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
CHANGE_TIME: '&6The &f&lTime &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
CHANGE_DIFFICULTY: '&6The &f&lDifficulty &6was set to &f%value%&6.'
ALIAS: '&6The &f&lAlias &6was changed to &f%value%&6.'
PLAYER_LIMIT: '&6The &f&lPlayer Limit &6was changed to &f%value%&6.'
ACCESS: '&4ERROR. &cYou are not allowed to join the world.'
CHANGE_PERMISSIONS: '&4ERROR. &cYou are not allowed to change the permission in this world.'
CHANGE_SETTINGS: '&4ERROR. &cYou are not allowed to change the settings in this world.'
SeedInput: '&6Please enter the Seed.'
TimeInput: '&6Please enter the Time.'
GadgetJoinInput: '&6Please enter Join-Message.'
GadgetLeaveInput: '&6Please enter Leave-Message.'
GadgetMotdInput: '&6Please enter the MOTD.'
GadgetCustomTextInput: '&6Please Enter the Custom Info Text.'
SettingAlias: '&6Please enter the new World Alias.'
SettingPlayerLimit: '&6Please enter the Player Limit for this world.'
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lRent&fIt&8-&a&lWorlds &fInformation &6]&6&m '
- '&6World-ID&7: &f%worldId%'
- ''
- '&6Spawn&7: &6X&7:&f%x%&7, &6Y&7:&f%y%&7, &6Z&7:&f%z% &7in &f%world%'
- ''
- '&6Owner&7: &f%owner%'
- '&6Members&7: &f%members%'
- ''
- '&6Last Time Online&7: &f%lastTimeOnline%'
- '&6Next Payday&7: &f%payday%'
- '&6Auto Payment&7: &f%autoPayment%'
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lRent&fIt&8-&a&lWorlds &fHelp &6]&6&m '
- '&f/riw &7- &6Opens the Playerworld Main GUI.'
- '&f/riw info [worldId] &7- &6Shows Information about the Playerworld.'
- '&f/riw teleport <worldId> &7- &6Teleport to the Playerworld.'
- '&f/riw delete [worldId] &7- &6Deletes the Playerworld.'
- '&f/riw pause/unpause [worldId] &7- &6Pauses a Playerworld Rent or Inactivity. (the time basicly doesn''t count)'
- '&f/shop import <worldname> <Username> &7- &6Imports a world directory into the plugin for the given owner.'
- '&f/riw accept/deny [worldId] &7- &6The Answer Command for Member invites.'
- '&f/riw setlobby &7- &6Creates a specific Spawn point for Players, if their World gets deleted.'
Locked: '&4Locked'
Unlocked: '&aUnlocked'
Owner: 'Owner'
Member: 'Member'
Invited: 'Invited'
None: 'Guest'