This page contains the Server Administrator Installation for the plugin.
- The RentIt-Worlds.jar Installation
- MySQL setup
- Download the newest Version from Spigot/BuiltByBit.
- Stop your Minecraft Server.
- Go into your Minecraft Server folder and search for a directory with the name plugins.
- Move the downloaded .jar File into the plugins directory.
- Start your Minecraft Server. RentIt-Worlds will then create a new Directory.
- Open your /plugins/RentIt-Worlds/Config.yml in a file editor.
- The first lines should look like the following:
#Your MySQL Connection Settings; SQLLite only needs the type. The other settings are ignored.
#Type can be MARIADB, MYSQL and SQLITE
Type: 'SQLITE'
Host: 'ipaddress'
Port: 3306
UseSSL: true
User: 'admin'
Password: 'S€CR3T'
Database: 'Database'
- Configure your database credentials there. (The Port is in the most cases correct)
- Restart your Minecraft Server. If everything is correct, then there should be a "{SQL} successfully connected to Database." message in the log.