The Config contains all the general Settings about the plugin. Everything is changeable. But always use a restart after saving the file to apply the settings to the server.
There are always comments at the specific settings to explain the option a little bit. The more detailed Information's are found here.
This contains all the saved Player Data and should never be deleted, if you want to keep the plugin running.
Depending on what you choose (MariaDB/SQLite), you need to add your own MariaDB Credentials. Otherwise, the default settings will create a SQLite Database (database.sql) in the plugins directory.
For MySQL the best practice is to create an own MariaDB user, which only got access to one and new database. This database should later only contain TempAfk data and nothing else. Using only one database with one MariaDB User for all of your plugins would also work, but isn't secure.
If you have decided to run a MariaDB/MySQL database, then also set your Database Server IP. Not necessarily the Minecraft Server IP. You will get the information's from your Server provider. If the connection doesn't work, but your IP is correct, then try disabling useSSL. Also make sure your password and user are correct and that the user has enough Permissions for the database!
Important: Don't change the database later on, if you don't know what you are doing. After the first interaction was made with the plugin, everything gets stored in the set database. Moving from SQLite -> MySQL will be difficult. MySQL Server 1 -> MySQL Server 2 is no problem, as long you restore the backup of the tables and stopped the Minecraft Server.
Those are general misc Settings about the plugin.
Option | Description |
UseMetrics | Sends anonymously data do to show a statistic about the current use of the plugin. |
UsePlayerpoints | You might want to force the use of Playerpoints for TempAfk, even if you got another Economy System on the server. |
Language | This sets the Language for the plugin and uses the correct Messages_%Lang%.yml File. You can also copy the english version and create your own Language File. (f.e. Netherlands -> File: Messages_NL.yml and in the Option: NL) |
Format | Contains the formation settings for different placeholders. |
Default-AFK-Time | How long a Player needs to be AFK until the AFK time starts counting. |
The alternative Commands for the Plugin to use. Every listed command works including the main command /tempafk
Disables the Sub-Command that you set to true. This comepletely disables only a Sub-Command from Main Command.
Configure different Countdown Message for no AFK time left. There are multiple setup types possible:
For exmaple NoAfktimeLeft:
3m - Sends the message if only 3 Minutes are left.
10s-1s - Every Second from 10 until 1 will print the specified message.
10m-3s - Will not work. They must be the same time unit.
Message: Contains the message, which will be printed.
MessageType: Defines where the message should be displayed.
Actionbar Option | Description |
Enabled | Displays the AFK time while the player is afk above the item hotbar. |
Always | Always show the AFK time. Even if the player isn't currently afk. |
Bossbar Option | Description |
Enabled | Displays the AFK time while the player is afk as a bossbar. |
Always | Always show the AFK time. Even if the player isn't currently afk. |
Title | The Title of the Bossbar. |
BarStyle | The BarStyle. |
BarColor | The default BarColor. If Colormode active, this may get overwritten. |
If the ColorMode is active, the Bossbar changes depending on the players AFK time. The highest set value in the config, that is in between the AFK time, will overwrite the default color.
The Animation Mode changes the Bossbar "Health" depending on what max value was set. Meaning, if the player has 35 min AFK time and 30 was set as max, then the bossbar is full. Is the AFK time at 15min, then the bossbar "health" will be only to the half.
The Bonus for the player, that is added on each configured Day, that they join the Server.
Bonus Option | Description |
firstJoin | How much should a player get, if he joins the first time on the Server. |
Daily-Bonus | Configure Bonus Sections to give the player with permission a Bonus on Server Join. |
The defined Section path, will be used as the permission later. F.e. the Owner Section: Permission -> tempafk.bonus.owner
Streak-Needed makes it only possible for players to claim the reward once, if they connected to the server every day until the defined.
Every-Day defines on which days the player get a reward.
afktime contains the amount of reward, that the player will get.
(Supported time format: Y(ears), M(onths), D(ays), H(ours), m(inutes))
It's possibile to change the name of the permissions, but there is mostlikely no need for it. No other plugin should use the tempafk prefix. More Information about the Permissions and what they do, can be found here.
#Your MySQL Connection Settings; SQLLite only needs the type. The other settings are ignored.
#Type can be MARIADB, MYSQL and SQLITE
Type: 'SQLITE'
Host: 'ipaddress'
Port: 3306
UseSSL: false
User: 'admin'
Password: 'S€CR3T'
Database: 'Database'
#Sends anonymous data to bstats. (OnlinePlayers, Server Version, etc) But no personal Informations!
UseMetrics: true
#Use PlayerPoints as the economy System. If false, then Vault is used.
usePlayerPoints: false
#Select the Language for the Plugin. Restart the Server once and in the Messages directory will be a Messages_&Lang&.yml File
#GUI needs to be done manually
Language: EN
#Format for some values
Money: '#0.00'
Timestamp: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'
Afktime-Splitter: ' '
#How long a player needs to be afk, until the afk time starts to count
Default-AFK-Time: '5m'
#Alternative command names for RentItWorlds
- 'tafk'
- 'ta'
#Please use a Server Restart after changing the Settings.
#true means that the command wont work ingame anymore
Reload: true
Activate: false
Shop: false
Info: false
Give: false
Add: false
Remove: false
Set: false
#Countdown Message; The until option doesnt work for different timeunits 5m-3s; only 5m-3m/10s-1s
Message: '&6Afk time is running out in &f&l3 Minutes&6.'
MessageType: 'CHAT'
Message: '&6Afk time is running out in &f&l%time% Seconds&6.'
MessageType: 'CHAT'
Message: '&6You got no more time left. Kicking...'
MessageType: 'TITLE'
#ActionBar to visualize the current Time
#Disables/Activates the ActionBar.
Enabled: true
#Should the Actionbar be always active or only if afk?
Always: false
#Bossbar to visualize the current Time
#Disables/Activates the Bossbar.
Enabled: false
#Should the Bossbar be always active or only if afk?
Always: false
#The Title.
Title: '&6&lAFK time&7: &f%time%'
#The Style of the BossBar.
BarStyle: 'SEGMENTED_20'
#The default Color of the BossBar. Also used
BarColor: WHITE
#Define Color Limits. This are the possible colors:
Enabled: true
'60s': RED
'5m': YELLOW
'1h': GREEN
#Animation Mode. The lower the max value is, the more you will see in the Animation.
#Otherwise, there is no big difference to see
Enabled: true
Max: '30m'
# Login Bonus
# How much should a player get on the first Join (after the Plugin is on the server)
firstJoin: '10m'
#Disables/Activates the DAILY-Bonus on Join. Doesnt affect the first join Bonus
Enabled: true
# How much should a player get on Join, if his Primary Group is configurated here
# Does the Player need to be online on every day until the defined day or only at least every defined day.
Streak-Needed: true
# When should the Daily Reward be triggert: 1 = every day; 3 = every 3rd day
Every-Day: 3
# The added Afktime
Afktime: '1D'
Streak-Needed: false
Every-Day: 3
Afktime: '1h'
Streak-Needed: false
Every-Day: 1
Afktime: '3m'
#Permissions for a real Permissions System/OP
#Permission to use the /tempafk command; Sub Command will be added; tempafk.command.activate (For the /tempafk command)
#Otherwise tempafk.command.give
command: 'tempafk.command'
#For important commands; Sub Command will be added; tempafk.admin.add
admin: 'tempafk.admin'
#Create a new Daily-Bonus Section and use the name as the last part of the permission.
#f.e. to recieve the VIP Bonus
bonus: 'tempafk.bonus'
#Bypass Permission
bypass: 'tempafk.bypass'
#Do NOT touch
Version: 1```