This is the Message File of the plugin. It contains every Message, that is shown to the player ingame.
prefix: '&7[&6&lTemp&fAfk&7]'
perm: '&cYou dont have enough Permissions!'
console: 'Sorry, only works Ingame.'
reloadedError: '&4ERROR. &6&lTempAfk &cwas reloaded. But there was an error. Please look into the console.'
reloaded: '&6&lTempAfk &a&lwas reloaded. But better use a Server Restart next time.'
anErrorOccoured: '&cAn Error Accoured. Please contact the Staff.'
samePlayer: '&4ERROR. &cYou can''t run this command on yourself.'
playerDoesntExists: '&4ERROR. &cThis Player doesn''t exists.'
shopAfkTimeBought: '&6You bought &f%time% &6AFK time for &f%price%$&6.'
claimedJoinBonus: '&6You claimed &f%time% &6AFK time for joining the Server.'
notANumber: '&4ERROR. &cThe Input is not a number.'
notATimeUnit: '&4ERROR. &cThe Time Unit is not correct. Please use &7<&fDays&7, &fHours&7, &fMinutes&7, ...>'
notEnoughMoney: '&4ERROR. &cYou need &f%money%$&c.'
notEnoughAfkTime: '&4ERROR. &cYou don''t have this much Afk time left&c.'
playerNotOnline: '&cThe Player %target% is offline.'
afkTimeLeft: '&6AFK time&7: &f%time%&6.'
activateTempAfk: '&6Temp AFK was &aenabled&6. You won''t be kicked, as long you got time left.'
deactivateTempAfk: '&6Temp AFK was &cdisabled&6. You will be kicked after the default afk time.'
addSuccess: '&6You added &f%time% &6AFK time to the Player &f%target%&6.'
addTarget: '&6You got &f%time% &6AFK time from the Player &f%player%&6.'
removeSuccess: '&6You removed &f%time% &6AFK time from the Player &f%target%&6.'
removeTarget: '&6The Player &f%player% &6removed &f%time% &6AFK time from your Account.'
setSuccess: '&6You set the AFK time of the Player &f%target% &6to &f%time%&6.'
setTarget: '&6The Player &f%player% &6set your AFK time to &f%time%&6.'
giveSuccess: '&6You gave the Player &f%target% %time%&6.'
giveTarget: '&6You got &f%time% &6AFK time from the Player &f%player%&6.'
tempAfkHelp: '&cPlease use &f/Tempafk help &cfor help.'
commandDisabled: '&cThis command was disabled in the config!'
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lTemp&fAfk &7Information &f%Player% &6]&6&m '
- ''
- '&6Status&7: &f%status%'
- '&6Afk time&7: &f%time%'
- '&6Currently AFK&7: &f%afk%'
- ''
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lTemp&fAfk &fHelp &6]&6&m '
- ''
- '&f/tempafk &7- &6De-/Activates the Temp Afk. If disabled, you will get kicked after the default afk time.'
- '&f/tempafk info &7- &6Shows Information about your Afk time.'
- '&f/tempafk give <User> <Amount> <TimeUnit> &7- &6Give some of your Afk time to the Player.'
- ''
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lTemp&fAfk &fHelp &6]&6&m '
- ''
- '&f/tempafk &7- &6De-/Activates the Temp Afk. If disabled, you will get kicked after the default afk time.'
- '&f/tempafk info &7- &6Shows Information about your Afk time.'
- ''
- '&f/tempafk give <User> <Amount> <TimeUnit> &7- &6Give some of your Afk time to the Player.'
- '&f/tempafk add <User> <Amount> <TimeUnit> &7- &6Give Afk time to the Player.'
- '&f/tempafk remove <User> <Amount> <TimeUnit> &7- &6Remove Afk time from the Player.'
- '&f/tempafk set <User> <Amount> <TimeUnit> &7- &6Set the Afk time to the Player.'
- ''
- '&6&m &6[ &6&lTemp&fAfk &7Information &f%Player% &6]&6&m '
- ''
- '&6 You were too long afk and got kicked!'
- ''
ConsoleName: 'Konsole'
Active: '&aActive'
Deactive: '&cDeactive'
IsAfk: '&cAFK'
IsNotAfk: '&aNot AFK'
IsAfkPrefix: '&8[&4AFK&8]'
Day: 'one day'
Days: '%days% days'
Hour: 'one hour'
Hours: '%hours% hours'
Minute: 'one minute'
Minutes: '%minutes% minutes'
Second: 'one Second'
Seconds: '%seconds% Seconds'