This page contains the Server Administrator Installation for the plugin.
- The TempFly.jar Installation
- MySQL setup
- Download the newest Version from Spigot/BuildByBit.
- Stop your Minecraft Server.
- Go into your Minecraft Server folder and search for a directory with the name plugins.
- Move the downloaded .jar File into the plugins directory.
- Start your Minecraft Server. TempFly will then create a new Directory.
If you are using Bungeecord/Velocity, then also put the TempFly Plugin in the plugins directory of the Proxy and restart. There will be no config on the Proxy, since this system only transfers data between the server.
- Open your /plugins/TempFly/Config.yml in a file editor.
- The first lines should look like the following:
#Your MySQL Connection Settings; SQLLite only needs the type. The other settings are ignored.
#Type can be MARIADB, MYSQL and SQLITE
Type: 'SQLITE'
Host: 'ipaddress'
Port: 3306
UseSSL: true
User: 'admin'
Password: 'S€CR3T'
Database: 'Database'
- Configure your database credentials there. (The Port is in the most cases correct)
- Restart your Minecraft Server. If everything is correct, then there should be a "{SQL} successfully connected to Database." message in the log.