This plugin gives your players the opportunity to fly temporally through given or bought fly time.
The Shop contains fly time or Particle Effects for an own custom fly trail to buy.
Server Administrator can also create rewards for players, after they join the server. It will be automatically claimed.
Bungeecord/Velocity is supported for the best synchronization between the servers. It's possible to share your fly time to players on other servers as well. They don't need to be on the same server.
As always everything is customizable in the Configs! (More at Configuration)
The player only got few commands to work with. /tempfly is the most important. It sets the player fly mode to de-/active. Only, if the player got fly time left. After that he can start flying after pressing the space bar twice. Like in creative mode. While the player is flying, the time is shown above the hotbar. The fly time won't be removed, if the player is standing on the ground. After the fly time runs out, the player fly mode will be deactivated. The player will fall to the ground, but will not receive any damage from this fall.
Players can share their fly time with other players on the server. They only need to run /TempFly give %Player% %Amount% %TimeUnit%.
But it is also possible, to buy fly time through the integrated Shop System. (/TempFly shop) The Administrator of the server can define the fly time which will be received and how much it should cost. As well for the particle effects for the fly trails. They show up, if a player is flying above the ground.
Ideas are always welcome and can be added. I want to keep improving the plugin with Bug Fixes and new features as long my time allows it.
If you need help with the installation. Just contact the Support and the issue will be resolved as fast as possible!